Wednesday, April 16, 2003
Lake Tiak-O-Khata, Louisville, MS - Apr 3-16

We had our usual good time, playing bridge with friends & cousins, visiting relatives, & playing dominoes with the church fellowship group. Noxubee NWR is a short drive away and, while we didn't see the endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker that Noxubee is noted for, we did see a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers frolicking, digging in the dirt, and searching the low tree trunks for tasty morsels. While these birds are fairly common around here, it is still really special to see them. Willie also got some needed doctor & dentist visits taken care of. We spent some really wonderful time with Willie's parents and were able to help them with a few spring cleaning type chores. Leaving was very hard & very sad.